You May Not Know Five Interesting Facts About Beethoven.

Ludwig Bambeethoven is one of the most famous and influential musicians/composers in the period of classicism and romanticism. On December 17, 1770, he was born in Ben, the capital of Cologne, Germany.

With the help of his father, John Van Beethoven, he has a very diligent music experience and began to teach music when he was young. Beethoven composed 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, 1 violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas and 16 string quartets, representing his entire career. In developing countries, no one does not know one or two articles written by Ludwig. His music is dramatic and intense, and continues to this day.

although there is a lot of historical information about Beethoven, some special facts about him will never be known.

Is age really important?

In theory, Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770. But for many years, the composer thought he was born in 1772. The exact year of birth has never been officially determined. Historians believe that Beethoven’s father changed his age and deliberately committed such a fraud in order to show a much younger musician. Please remember that at about the same time, Mozart was quite mature and probably the biggest rival of Beethoven! His father did not want his son to be defeated by the young founder.

Students become piano teachers

Beethoven was forced to practice music when he was young, and music became his existence. This became his identity. He was very successful. Some people think that his passion for music is to share with people who want to learn. It is reported that Beethoven showed great contempt for piano lessons when he could not teach gifted students. Others pointed out that if the student was a beautiful woman and could not hit chopsticks with her fingers, let alone play the piano.

Ludwig’s silent voice

The worst fate a musician may experience is hearing loss. Beethoven said. He gradually lost his hearing, but by 1819, he was clinically deaf in his thirties. According to Ludwig’s letter, he thinks his hearing loss is; devil;, Wherever he went, it bothered him. At this stage of his life, he once thought of suicide, but his love of music and his experience prevented this behavior. After deafness, he can also complete 32 piano sonatas, 17 string quartets and 9 symphonies. One of them is Symphony No.5. This is one of his most common works.

12 times 30

Music and mathematics have always been complementary subjects. According to the American Mathematical Society, counting, rhythm, scale, interval, pattern, symbol, harmony, time signature, overtone and pitch are all symbols directly related to the mathematics created by my composer. Nevertheless, Beethoven did not have much talent in basic mathematics. To say the least. Because of his family responsibilities, he had to leave school to support his family at the age of 11.

Beethoven’s Health Struggle

Beethoven never lived a healthy life in his childhood, from middle age to death. In addition to hearing loss caused by typhus, he also suffers from enteritis, rheumatism, rheumatism, skin diseases, etc. His death was ultimately caused by liver cirrhosis, which led to liver failure.

No matter what strange behavior or physical illness Beethoven experienced, he can not deny that he will always be one of the greatest composers in history.